Frequently Asked Question

Ready to elevate your safety and compliance standards?

Contact G&G Trucking Solution Inc today to discuss how our services can benefit your company. Our experienced team is here to support you on the road to success.
  • Q1: Why is it important to maintain transportation-related records at the principal place of business in Alberta?

    A1: Maintaining records at the principal place of business in Alberta is a regulatory requirement to ensure accessibility for audits and inspections. It helps authorities verify compliance with safety and maintenance programs.

  • Q2: Who should have access to safety and maintenance programs within the business?

    A2: Safety and maintenance programs should be available to all employees in the business, including drivers, dispatchers, managers, and others. This ensures consistent adherence to company policies.

  • Q3: Are there specific timeframes for retaining certain records?

    A3: Yes, each type of record has a designated timeframe for retention. For example, traffic tickets are kept for 4 years, TDG certificates for 2 years after expiry, and Hours of Service daily logs for 6 months. More detailed information on record retention can be found in specific modules such as Driver Requirements, Hours of Service, and Vehicle Maintenance.

  • Q4: Why do I need to request a current driver’s abstract from applicants?

    A4: The current driver’s abstract provides a detailed record of the applicant's driving history, including any violations or convictions. This helps assess their suitability for a driving position and adherence to safety regulations.

  • Q5: What is the purpose of requesting a copy of the driver’s license?

    A5: Requesting a copy of the driver’s license is essential to verify its validity, ensure it is current, and identify any restrictions. It is a standard procedure to confirm that the applicant meets the necessary licensing requirements.

  • Faq TitleQ6: What insights can I gain from reviewing the applicant’s employment history for the previous 3 years?

    A6: Reviewing the employment history provides valuable information about the applicant’s professional background, experience in the transportation industry, and the continuity of their employment. It helps in assessing their suitability for the position and understanding their career trajectory.

  • Q7: Why are Hours of Service (HOS) rules important in Alberta?

    A7: The significance of HOS rules lies in addressing the alarming statistics related to collisions in Alberta. In 2014 alone, one person was killed, 51 were injured, and 397 collisions were reported daily. The Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators estimates that up to 20% of fatal collisions involve driver fatigue.

  • Q8: What is the impact of insufficient rest/ fatigue on drivers?

    A8: The rules extend beyond preventing drivers from falling asleep at the wheel. Inadequate rest negatively affects cognitive skills, motor skills, and response time. Fatigue contributes to collisions daily, emphasizing the need for well-rested drivers.

  • Q9: In the case of a collision where driver fatigue is identified as a cause, who could face criminal and civil lawsuits – the carrier or the driver?

    A9: the carrier.

  • Q10: Who is responsible for conducting trip inspections on a commercial vehicle?

    A10: It is the responsibility of the vehicle owner or carrier to ensure that the vehicle is in a safe operating condition. Therefore, the carrier must train either the drivers or a designated person to perform thorough trip inspections.

  • Q11: What happens if defects are found during the trip inspection?

    A11: If defects are discovered during the trip inspection, it is crucial that the person conducting the inspection promptly reports these issues to the carrier. The carrier can then take appropriate actions to address and rectify the defects before the vehicle is put into operation.

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